Interact Club
The Interact Club is the student version of the Elmsford Rotary Club. The mission of the club is, "Service Above Self." The club's foundation is built on our community helping our community. Our work is primarily based in Elmsford and in neighboring towns in Westchester County. We volunteer at walk-a-thons, serve our senior citizens, fill the Mt. Carmel Food Pantry shelves and raise money for all different charities, from the American Cancer Society to Toys for Tots for the Hungry and Homeless. This club accepts new members at any time. Anyone who is willing and able to help is welcome. Our events are before, during, and after school hours. It is Elmsford helping Elmsford and beyond. If you would like to add a ton of fun, hands-on activities that make a difference in people's lives please join the Interact club. Please see Mrs. Watson in the library for more information.
Advisor: Mrs. Watson
Please see Mrs. Watson in the Library or B15 for more information