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How the Stonewall Riots Sparked a Movement | History
The Stonewall Inn Riots sparked the beginning of the gay rights movement in America. Learn how members of the LGBTQ community came together to protest exploitation and police harassment.
Wanda Sykes Takes Us Through the History of LGBTQ+ — Now You Know
Have you ever wondered about the beginnings of homosexuality? Get to know a little bit about the fight for equality as Wanda Sykes takes us on a journey all the way back to the Middle Ages. Now, in 2019, we get to celebrate moments like Pride Month in June and Transgender Awareness Week in November.
Gender Pronouns, Get Them Right! | MTV Life
YouTube's Jake Edwards breaks down the history of pronouns and just ICYMI has a few solid points on why it's so important to use a person's correct pronouns.
Juneteenth by PBS Kids
Part of the PBS Kids’ “All About Holidays” series, this educational video introduces kids to Juneteenth.
What is Juneteenth?
Many people ask, “What is Juneteenth?” Learn about the African American celebration with this cartoon that explores fun facts about Juneteenth and why it is celebrated around the United States of America.