Supporting AIS Students (Academic Intervention Services)

  • While returning to school will present challenges for all, students entitled to receive Academic Intervention Services may experience these challenges to a greater extent than their peers. All New York State Schools receiving Title I funds will be considered School-Wide Programs. Students who received AIS services during the 2019-2020 school year will automatically be eligible for continued support. In addition, all students in need of supplemental academic support are eligible to receive AIS during the 2020-2021 school year.  

    Students can transition back to a school setting from remote learning and will continue to develop their ELA and math proficiencies. EUFSD will make every effort to provide support to AIS students to allow them to access academic content as well as providing them with their supplemental instruction program. It is important that instruction be provided with adequate scaffolds and supports, so that AIS students may access the content being provided in the classroom while also being provided with supplemental support in their academic areas of need.  

    For more information, please visit our Parent/Guardian Guide to Distance Learning page.