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BOE Information

Board of Education

Elmsford Union Free School District logo

The Elmsford Board of Education is legally responsible for establishing and overseeing the goals and objectives of the school district. The Board is composed of five (5) members elected to three-year (3) terms. Included in its general powers are the following: observing and enforcing federal and state education laws and local school board policies, appointing personnel upon the Superintendent's recommendation, appraising programs and services, and adopting the annual school budget. Regular meetings of the Board of Education are generally held on the first Wednesday in the Alexander Hamilton High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM. There may be special meetings that need to be held throughout the year. Elmsford School District residents are invited and encouraged to attend and participate in these meetings.

The public is invited to participate in the Board’s meeting at one (1) point in the proceedings. Members of the community are welcome to address the Board at the beginning of the Board’s agenda (these statements/questions are reserved for agenda items only) and near the conclusion of the Board’s agenda (these statements/questions may pertain to any Board of Education business). Both periods of open dialogue are limited to twenty (20) minutes each, or another time as deemed appropriate by the Board of Education President. Dependent upon participation, individual public commentary may be limited to three (3) minutes per participant as directed by the President of the Board of Education (EUFSD Policy #1230).

The Board of Education encourages members of the educational community to reach out with questions, comments and/or concerns at any time. The Board of Education can be reached via the District Clerk or through the Superintendent of Schools at any time at (914) 592-6632.

The Elmsford Board of Education utilizes Robert's Rules of Order to guide the Board's public meetings. To learn more about Robert's Rules, please visit:

Board of Education Policy on School Conduct and Discipline

The Board of Education of the Elmsford Union Free School District is committed to the premise that individuals, when given access to knowledge, will choose wisely. When large numbers of people congregate, there are rules that apply, not only to make the environment safe, but also to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. It is the purpose of the Board to establish rules that apply equally to everyone. It is the hope of the Board that students, guided by both their parents/guardians and school officials, will become self-directed and self-disciplined in order to be aware of their own needs as well as the needs of others.

The Elmsford Union Free School District is dedicated to providing an educational environment in which all individuals of age will be guided to the fullest capacity, so they become their best selves. The goal of the District is to create a setting in which children will be helped to grow into intelligent, self-directed people willing to accept responsibility for what they do and in which students are willing to contribute their share to the good of mankind.

Upcoming BOE Meetings

Board of Education Budget Workshop
AHHS Library
Board of Education Meeting
AHHS Auditorium
Board of Education Meeting
AHHS Auditorium
BOE Announcements