Health Announcements



    NYS Education Department requires a physical exam for all new entrants and students in Grades Pre-K or K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11; annually for interscholastic sports; and working papers as needed; or as required by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Pre-School Special education (CPSE). Health forms are available in the Health Office of each school, and under the Health Department Tab on the District's Web Site under "Forms".   Dental certificates are requested at any time a health certificate is required.

    These forms must be on file in the health office no later than October 1. Forms will be mailed home in June.

    Parents, please schedule appointments so your children can have these exams completed over the summer.

    Absence & Tardiness

    Under the School Attendance Laws of New York State, parents are responsible for their children's regular attendance and punctuality. Illness of the child, emergency illness in the family, death in the immediate family, inclement weather, and specific religious observations are the only legal reasons for absence.

    To report your child's absences, call the attendance office at your child's school. Please send a note with your child when they return to school explaining the reason why they were absent. If the child is absent more than 3 days, please bring a note from the doctor.

    Each time a child is absent or tardy, a written excuse is required. This excuse should be sent with the child when he or she returns to school or on the day that he or she is tardy. The note must include the reason for the absence or tardiness, the dates covered, and a signature only by the parent or guardian. Parents should call the school in the morning on each day the student is absent, providing a reason for the absence.

    Hamilton Parents - (914) 592-6349
    Grady Parents - (914) 592-2252
    Dixson Parents - (914) 592-1063

    Allergy Season

    During allergy season the following reminders apply:  Students are NOT permitted to carry any type of medication (even over the counter medicine) with them on school property. The only exceptions are asthma inhalers and Epipen autoinjectors provided it is approved by the student's health care provider.  Proper use must also be demonstrated to the School Nurse. If your child needs to have medicine during the school day, you'll need to speak with the nurse. You will also need a permission slip and doctor instructions completed. If there are any questions please call the school nurse.


    The district’s School Health Services program supports your student’s academic success by promoting health in the school setting. One way that we provide care for your student is by performing the health screenings as mandated by the State of New York.

    During this school year, the following screenings will be required or completed at school:
    • Distance and near vision acuity for all newly entered students and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11.
    • Color perception screening for all newly entered students.
    • Hearing screening for all newly entered students and students in Pre-K or Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7 and 11.
    • Scoliosis (spinal curvature) screening for girls in Grade 5 and 7, boys in Grade 9.
    • Parents will be notified of screening results, and recommendations for medical follow up for concerns. Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions.
    Health Appraisals
    • A physical examination including Body Mass Index and Weight Status Category Information is required for all newly entered students and students in Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.
    • Physical exams are valid for the 12 months prior to the beginning of the current school year.
    Dental Certificates
    • A dental certificate is requested for all newly entered students and and in years when health appraisals are required. 

          Immunization Required by NYS 

    • Three (3) doses of Diptheria and Tetanus toxoid containing vaccine and Pertussis (DTap)
    • Three (3) doses of Polio vaccine 
    • Three (3) doses of Hepatitis B if born after January 1, 1993
    • One (1) dose of live Mumps vaccine given after the age of 12 months
    • One (1) dose of live Rubella vaccine given after the age of 12 months
    • One (1) dose of live Measles vaccine given after the age of 12 months
    • One (1) dose of Varicella
    • All students born after January 1, 1985, in grades K-12 will be required to show proof of receipt of two (2) doses of Measles vaccine (preferably MMR) and two (2) doses of Varicella
    • For Pre-K, in addition to the vaccines listed above, Haemophilus influenza B (Hib) and Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccines.  Students entering Pre-K are requried to have four (4)  doses of DTaP.
    • Students who are entering 6th grade or a comparable age-level special education school or program on or after September 1, 2007, and who are 11 years of age or older must receive an immunization containing tetanus toxoid, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap).
    • Student in grades 7-10 require one (1) dose of Meninigococcal (meningitis) vaccine.  Students entering grade 12 requrie two (2) doses or 1 dose if the dose was received at 16 years or older
    *** For further information, go to: NYS Department of Health/Bureau of Immunization

    Emergency Cards
    Please complete and return all signed emergency cards immediately. It is extremely important that the office has your current home and work telephone numbers as well as the number of a responsible adult who could be reached in case of illness, accident, or emergency.

    NO medication either by prescription or over the counter will be administrated in school without a doctor's prescription and a signed consent by the parent. 

    The Doctor must give a written order for ANY medication; this includes Over The Counter (OTC) medications like Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, etc to be given in school. The dosage and the times to be given must be included in the doctor's order.

    The medication MUST be brought to the Health Office by the Parent in the ORIGINAL container received from the pharmacy. All medications will be kept locked in the Health Office and any remaining medication must be picked up by an adult at the end of the school year.  Doctor's orders and parent's consent for medication to be administered in school MUST be renewed at the start of every school year. 

    • Your child complains of nausea and/or vomiting. This will help keep the spread of stomach viruses down.
    • Your child has a fever of 100 F or more the night before or the morning of school. Please keep your child home until the temperature is under 100 for 24 hours without Tylenol or Motrin.
    • Your child has red eyes and cannot open his eyes because of discharge.  Please consult with your child's doctor. If treatment is prescribed, student may return to school after a full 24 hours of treatment AND a note from the doctor.
    • Your child complains of a sore throat AND you are waiting for the results of a throat culture from the doctor. If the doctor starts your child on antibiotics, please make sure your child has had the medication for a full 24 hours and they are FEVER FREE! Please provide a note from the doctor upon their return to school. 

Our Nurses


Seasonal Flu Info & FAQ

Information About Your Child's Weight