Green Club is an organization that centers around building a more environmentally friendly community at AHHS. 


    The goals of the Environmental Club are to increase awareness of environmental issues among faculty, staff, administration, and students; assist faculty, staff, administration, and students to become better stewards of the environment; make AHHS a model high school for environmental education and environmentally sustainable practices.

    Everyone in the Elmsford community (students, teachers, administrators, alumni, and parents) is invited to be a part of the Green Club.


    The Green Club works in conjunction with One World Westchester. One World Westchester has pledged to become climate neutral. We participate in a school-wide recycling program (In partnership with. We Future Cycle) and placed bins in every classroom, meeting room and office, organized Earth day assembly and community clean up, and year-long activities centered on climate change education, and have initiated plans to further develop our courtyard garden.


    The club meets between two to four times per month depending on the time of year. Most meetings center around the season’s activities, projects, and future endeavors. These may include anything from a trip to a local environmental workshop or lecture series, planning for a fund-raising activity, or raising awareness of sustainability issues in the school or community. But mostly we work outside in our school's courtyard garden.

    Club advisor: Ms. Thomas
    Meeting Time: 2:30 to 3:00 (3:30 in the Spring)
    Meeting Room: Room 322



  • Art Wall

    Garden Progress