You can cross off adding money to your student's lunch account when you set up recurring payments with mySchoolBucks. By scheduling your payments, you can customize your account to work for you; while keeping your student's account from getting low. Emails are generated for low balances.
- Log into (MSB)
- Deposit funds directly into an account using your student's ID number* (obtained from your child's school or report card.)
- Monitor balances or your student's purchases
- MSB charges a fee of $3.25 of each time a deposit is made.
- MSB account balances existing at the end of the school year may be rolled forward to the following school year.
- Food service account balances cannot be transferred to or co-mingled with extra-curricular accounts in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Office of the NYS Comptroller.
- Requests for food service account balance refunds should be emailed to the District Treasurer at The request should include the name of the person to whom the check will be written and the address where the check will be mailed. The request should also include the name and grade level of the student.
The Board of Education recognizes that on occasion, students may forget to bring meal money to school. To ensure that students do not go hungry while also promoting fiscal responsibility, the Board will allow students who may forget meal money to “charge” the cost of meals to be paid back at a later date. Please refer to the terms in Charging School Meals Policy 8505 which can be found in the ePolicy Manual located in the District home page "Board of Ed" > "Policies".